Dexter Cousins is joined by cohost Simon Lee of Patona, our newest member of the Fintech Chatter crew, to bring you our new monthly Fintech News show.
As England and Australia thrash out the most hotly contested Ashes in decades a Geordie and a Kiwi are bringing a Baz ball approach the Fintech News!
- Parpera and Prospend on the Wise Platform
- Revolut launching in NZ
- The state of Aussie Fintech funding
- Why so many Fintech CEO's are resigning
Plus Dexter and Simon quiz themselves on their command of the Aussie language!
Join us every month as we discuss the latest news, insights, hiring, firing, capital raises, product launches and more.
Brought to you in partnership with Patona - The #1 platform to hire, manage and pay teams